TEFLON offers outstanding resistance to chemicals, oils and lubricants, retains it’s flexibility at low temperatures and has good weatherability.
Key Characteristics » Operating temperature: -100°C to 260°C
250V to 10000V Rating
Available with Nickel ,Silver-Plated or Tin-Plated Conductor
Superior dielectrical properties

Military Specification Styles A range of  PTFE Insulated wires, designed, manufactured and fully released to meet the requirements of MIL-W-16878 (NEMA HP4)
Ribbon PTFE Sensor CABLE
Military Communications Systems
Aerospace and Aircraft Wiring
OEM Appliance Wiring
Electronics Wiring
Product Data - TELFON UL/CSA Approved Styles A range of TEFLON Insulated wires designed are manufactured and fully released to meet the requirements 
Temperature Rating: -75°C to 260°C for Nickel or Silver-Plated Copper Conductors

Používá se pro instalaci do žlabů, drátěných cest, žlabů, kanálů, kanálů a potrubí a je určen k napájení výkonových motorů nebo pro připojení k jiným napájecím zařízením.